Course Title: Introduction to toric varieties
Course Code: MTH651A

Course description:

Toric varieties form a special and important class of algebraic varieties. In the past few decades, the study of toric geometry has begun to play an increasingly prominent role in algebraic geometry. They provide many examples and serve as a fertile testing ground for theorems and conjectures in algebraic/complex geometry. Moreover, toric geometry is useful in many fields including algebraic statistics, coding theory and mirror symmetry. The geometry of toric varieties can be completely understood by combinatorial objects of convex geometry such as cones, fans, polytopes, etc. Due to this connection between combinatorics and geometry, toric varieties are often much easier to study than arbitrary algebraic varieties. Further, this connection can also be used in the opposite direction to solve certain problems in combinatorics, for example McMullen's conjecture on f-vectors for simplicial polytopes. The aim of this course is to introduce toric varieties and explore how one can use combinatorial techniques to understand their geometric and algebraic properties.


Affine toric varieties, Rational polyhedral cones and their relation to affine toric varieties, Projective toric varieties and polytopes, Abstract toric varieties and fans, Geometric properties of toric varieties, The orbit-cone correspondence, Completeness and toric morphisms, Divisors and Line bundles on toric varieties, Homogeneous coordinates on toric varieties; the construction of a toric variety as a Geometric Invariant Theory (GIT) quotient.


A course in Ring theory is required. A review of relevant definitions/theorems from commutative algebra and algebraic geometry will be given either at the start or as needed during the course.